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iOS8 errors

As everyone knows, after the successful presentation of the Keynote held on September 9 by, the leading smartphone sales company, released the most recent operating system for iPhone with the name “iOS8”, which for the moment contains errors when deploying and analyzing the functionalities referring to the health and physical exercises categories.

For the current largest company in the world, several very important applications have also been affected, for example: Health and Healthkit, unfortunately several mobile application developers are also involved in the implementation of applications related to the analysis, reading and storage of information about exercise and health.

The company that created the legendary iPod has confirmed to the Financial Times that it is definitely the Healthkit application in iOS8 and will need to make a new software update to correct it. At the moment it is known that in a maximum time of 2 weeks.

idooGROUP recommends that customers and users of Apple.Inc technology install the new iOS8 operating system in a couple of weeks when the company repairs the bug that we mentioned at the beginning of this article.

iOS8 also brings with it many positive and new features for its increasingly demanding and technology-hungry users.



Idoo Group